Another Reason Wine

A few days ago I wrote about all the "reasons wine" I drink and I forgot a big one.


Yesterday afternoon Tom had a quick flight from Idaho to Washington. It should have been an easy 30 minute trip. Around the time he was expected to have landed I checked his location which showed that he was still in eastern WA.

I figured that he just had a delayed departure.

A few minutes later I got a text from him, " All is well. Had engine failure at 36000 feet."

He was forced to emergency land at an airport en route.

An emergency landing!!!

My heart started racing. My eyes welled with tears. My hands started shaking.

I've never gotten a text like this. Tom has never experienced an engine failure.

This doesn't really happen.

He texted again that he'd call when he could but that it may be awhile as he dealt with all the things involved in an emergency situation.

So I was left to think and ruminate and imagine the worst.

....and I did't run to the store for a bottle of wine.

Another "reason wine" I drink is 'crisis'.

When things go wrong or I get some terrible news I head to the wine. It's a habit. I figured that "I deserve it" or that "it will take the edge off".

The truth, that I'm reluctantly facing, is that what I REALLY deserve is a clear head...and you know who else deserved that, Tom and the kids.

Another truth, that I'm reluctantly facing, is that wine doesn't take the edge off for me. My truth is that wine + crisis is a perfect recipe for anxiety.

I'm so proud of myself in this situation.

When Tom got home tonight we ran into each other's arms. Through the tears we declared our love.

I'm SO glad I didn't "take the edge off" this sweet, deep and connecting experience.

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